Exercise Trends Before and After the Pandemic

covid exercise trends

It’s been a long and life-changing year, but there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. With the pandemic (hopefully) coming to an end soon, we were curious…

How has the pandemic affected exercise habits?

Being a tech company, we wanted to collect data, and who better to ask than our RockMyRun users? 

Since RockMyRun, a music app for exercise, was created for all fitness levels, we thought this would be a pretty even spread in terms of performance, exercise routine, and regimen. Are you ready for the results? 

More People Are Working Out from Home

This should be no surprise, but since the pandemic began, we saw a significant increase in users working out from their homes. (Home Gym anyone??) 

What’s interesting is that we saw an even larger increase in people working out from home with guided online videos or virtual coaching. 

It does make sense, after all. When you can’t get to the gym, you have to do something, and often those online sessions can help you stick to your routine and feel like you actually are at the gym. 

pandemic increase in home workouts

There was also an increase in running or jogging outside. Who doesn’t love an excuse to get that fresh air! 

Returning to Their Workout Routines

Now that the end of the pandemic is on the horizon and gyms either already have opened, or will open back up soon, who will return to their routine before COVID? 

quarantine exercise routine

We found that just a little under half of those surveyed are itching to get back to how things were before all of the restrictions. 

So we wondered, with the difference in how people exercise, what exactly will that mean for current activity levels? 

Will people exercise more after the pandemic?

Surprisingly, we found that most people plan on keeping their current activity levels after restrictions lift. 

That being said, it did appear that many of those interviewed are exercising more than they did before the pandemic, even from home, so they plan on sticking to that new regimen, good job!

exercise trends after covid

We also found that 36% of people plan on exercising more once restrictions lift further. 

Staying Motivated Once Restrictions Lift

This pandemic was tough, but for many it was an opportunity to increase their fitness levels and improve their health. If you’re looking for a way to keep your motivation up, give RockMyRun a try! This is a music app that syncs with your body, and is scientifically proven to keep you motivated. We think you’ll love it so much that your first two weeks are free! 

Try free for 14 Days

Full Exercise Infographic

Here is the full infographic for you to share, read, and enjoy! Thanks for reading. 

Pandemic Workout Trends