32 Count Workout Music – What You Never Knew You Needed

While searching for the perfect workout playlist, you may have come across music mixes labeled as a 32 Count mix. If you are not already familiar with what that means, read on to learn what it is and why you may want to have a listen!

Perhaps you have taken a fitness class with an awesome trainer who has great command of the room. Almost like magic, they intuitively know when to use those big beat drops to drive energy at the precise moment when it matters most. That is likely because the trainer is using musical phrasing to time the music, which is exactly what ‘32 counts’ means. Now, don’t worry! You do not need to be a musician or fitness trainer for this to be beneficial for your solo workouts too.

What Exactly Happens In A 32 Count Mix?

A song consists of many beats strung together to make the music we hear, but we all know there are certain beats within a song that can really make an impact. For example, a song that builds into a big crescendo and drops a powerful downbeat can completely change the intensity of the song. It could also be a noticeable difference in the tempo or volume of the song. You get the idea.

In a 32 Count mix, there is a slight adjustment in the music every 32 beats. Sometimes it is extremely noticeable and other times it can be a bit more subtle. This ‘transition’ can happen in a variety of ways. It can highlight the sound of a specific instrument, the singer can begin the chorus or a new verse, or it can be an obvious downbeat that elicits a strong feeling of emotion.

How do 32 Count Mixes Benefit Me?

When these ‘transitions’ happen every 32 beats, they start to become predictable in your mind. You can begin to anticipate this change. This is particularly beneficial for someone engaging in a fitness activity because the steady beat keeps them accountable to maintain their pace or intensity, but the ‘transitions’ provide them a way to stay motivated and even push a little harder.

Our bodies are naturally driven by rhythm. Even if you can’t follow a beat on the dancefloor, that does not mean you can’t appreciate the power of a beat!

Our RockMyRun DJs specially produce our 32 Count mixes to do just this. Want to give it a try? Use our search feature and search by activity to locate the 32 Count tag.

Try out a 32 Count Mix

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