Tips for First Time Runners

Trying something new can often be a daunting experience, and running can be one of the most difficult physical activities to start. Whether you’re already in Olympic shape, or haven’t exercised as much as you’ve been meaning to, we’ve all tried going for it without preparing and ended up half a block away from our… Continue reading Tips for First Time Runners

Top 10 Rules of the Road

Looking for a few ways to make the most out of your running experience?  Follow my Top 10 Rules of the Road for a more enjoyable, less stressful run. 1. Be ThankfulIf you are fortunate enough to be able to run at your own discretion, be grateful for that gift.  Some people do not have… Continue reading Top 10 Rules of the Road

Core Strengthening For Runners – How It Really Works

Many people are under the assumption that core strengthening only consists of sit-ups, crunches, six-packs, and infomercials.  There is certainly nothing wrong with this “aesthetic” approach to core training, but, for runners core training goes beyond just washboard abs.  A stronger, more stable core can improve your performance and lower the risk of injury. What… Continue reading Core Strengthening For Runners – How It Really Works

Sitting: The New Smoking

Tv boring couple.

There is an epidemic of sedentary behavior in America that is having perilous effects on our health and wellbeing. Whether you are someone who meets the recommended guidelines of 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise five days a week or are just getting started into a fitness routine, too much sitting is associated with an… Continue reading Sitting: The New Smoking

Categorized as Science

Wednesday Workout: Up and Down Intervals

Amp up the intensity of your next workout with some inclines! This “Up and Down Intervals” treadmill workout will have your legs burning and heart pumping with perfectly placed inclines and intervals. Checkout the workout – and some suggested RockMyRun mix pairings – below to get started! Beginner workout mix suggestion: Gonna Make You Sweat Intermediate workout mix… Continue reading Wednesday Workout: Up and Down Intervals

Categorized as Workouts

Wednesday Workout: Run Walk Intervals

Only have 30 minutes to get in a rockin’ cardio workout? Grab your shoes and head to the gym to try this ‘Run Walk 1:1 Intervals’ workout! Checkout the workout – and some suggested RockMyRun mix pairings – below to get started! Beginner workout mix suggestion: Feel The Magic Intermediate workout mix suggestion: Shake It Off Advanced workout mix suggestion: Fired… Continue reading Wednesday Workout: Run Walk Intervals

Categorized as Workouts