Whether training for a 5k or an ultramarathon, every runner has the intention of becoming the best that he or she can be. Our running arsenals have just about every tool that we need to become a solid runner, and contain everything from energy gels and sports drinks, to GPS watches and the latest zero-drop… Continue reading Top 4 Race Training Mistakes
Author: admin
Avoiding the Upset Stomach
If there is one thing runners want to avoid during a race it’s an upset stomach. Every person that I’ve run with or even talked about running with has their own method of avoiding what I like to call the “Runner’s Gut.” I’ll let you figure out on your own what the Runner’s Gut really… Continue reading Avoiding the Upset Stomach
5 Strength Training Myths Runners Should Avoid
Let’s be honest, there are some weird and quirky runners out there. Just like any health and fitness group, there are runners with their very own weird, unique, and bold opinions regarding our sport. I am no exception to this as I have many of my own unique beliefs on running. One belief, however, seems… Continue reading 5 Strength Training Myths Runners Should Avoid
Learn The Lingo: An Introduction To Running Terms
Nearly 20 million people completed a running race in the year 2013—that’s more people than populate Belgium, Chile or Switzerland! Considering runners could band together to occupy an entire country, it is no surprise we’ve developed our own language of jargon and lingo only a fellow runner would understand. Below we’ve selected and defined some… Continue reading Learn The Lingo: An Introduction To Running Terms
No Pain, No Gain? Think Again!
You have probably heard somebody utter the phrase “No Pain, No Gain” at some point throughout your life, and there are a few instances when this statement most certainly applies. It just so happens that these scenarios have nothing at all to do with running. Let me first start by setting the tone for this post. There is a… Continue reading No Pain, No Gain? Think Again!
The Mental Approach to Running
Growing up as a basketball and baseball player, I never considered myself a runner. I always considered myself simply an athlete. If I was running at all, it was because I had to, and I was sprinting. I loathed the idea of running for any set period of time. I viewed running like most young… Continue reading The Mental Approach to Running
How to Beat the Heat
Summer is in full swing and the days of single digit weather are long gone. If you’re like me and live below the Mason-Dixon Line then you’re experiencing a lot of heat and humidity, and no wind or rain. That’s the gist of summer weather where I’m from. I know, not necessarily the ideal running conditions,… Continue reading How to Beat the Heat
Going All In
When training for an upcoming race or competition I try to follow one rule above all else. That rule is to always “leave a little something in the tank” at the end of my workouts. This does not mean that I am not training hard for whatever is coming up, rather I am training smart. … Continue reading Going All In
The Realities of Running
One of the only concrete things about running is the surface that you’re on. Some people are distance runners, while others prefer sprinting. Treadmills are great for certain people, yet some of us prefer the outdoor run. Everybody is unique in their own way. With that being said, there are many things that can hold… Continue reading The Realities of Running
3 Tips To Help You Create a Kick A$$ Workout Playlist
We all know the power of creating the perfect workout playlist. It’s magic when it comes together, but creating that amazing blend can be quite the chore. Luckily, whether you’re rocking out at the club or the gym, my job is to use music to get your body moving, and I’ve discovered there are 3… Continue reading 3 Tips To Help You Create a Kick A$$ Workout Playlist