Pushing Past Your Limits

Starting Blocks at Vacant Starting Line Before Event

At Rock My Run we are all about motivation. Although we provide some awesome DJ mixes for running, we do so in order to help you stay motivated and help you attain your goals. So, when we find something besides DJ mixes that is inspiring, we like to share it in the hopes that it… Continue reading Pushing Past Your Limits

Fantastic insights from Run Rocker Misty Phillips

Here at RockMyRun, we’ve initiated a series of blog posts featuring our awesome Run Rocker family.  Each post will be rapid-fire questions that not only showcases the RockMyRun spirit but also presents unique perspectives on the sport of running, how music plays a role, and hopefully offers some tips on challenges you may experience in… Continue reading Fantastic insights from Run Rocker Misty Phillips

How RunRocker Shantal Rocked Her Competition

We recently caught up with personal trainer and RunRocker Shantal, to chat about staying fit and how music helped her reach her goals. A personal trainer, nutritionist and group fitness instructor, Shantal also competes in bodybuilding competitions—recently placing second at the prestigious International Drug Free Athletics (IDFA) Pro Universe event. Keep on reading for a… Continue reading How RunRocker Shantal Rocked Her Competition

Running Is A Team Sport

Why did I wait until I was in my 40’s to begin running? I ask myself this question all the time, and I know the answer. I was not disciplined and did not want to challenge or push myself. Growing up, I was not a very physically active kid, I didn’t play sports and never acquired the drive… Continue reading Running Is A Team Sport