What’s In a Runner? 6 Traits of Successful Runners

Many times I’m asked questions like “What makes somebody a good runner?” or “What can I do to become a good runner?” To be honest, it’s not really a simple, uniform answer. People are too different in their interests and abilities to have one answer to these questions. But, there are some things that many,… Continue reading What’s In a Runner? 6 Traits of Successful Runners

Categorized as Inspiration

The Realities of Running

One of the only concrete things about running is the surface that you’re on.  Some people are distance runners, while others prefer sprinting.  Treadmills are great for certain people, yet some of us prefer the outdoor run.  Everybody is unique in their own way.  With that being said, there are many things that can hold… Continue reading The Realities of Running