Wanting to take control of your health and fitness is a positive first step. If you really want to get healthy, exercise more, or make better food choices, the next step is to start setting goals that will push you forward. This is why the SMART strategy has become so popular. SMART Fitness goals are… Continue reading How to Set SMART Fitness Goals
Category: Tips & Tricks
Why Run/Walk Intervals are Better (and More Effective) than Running
When you’re feeling motivated to run, all you can think about is charging forward as fast as you can. You know the faster you run, the sooner you’ll get the blood flowing, cover more distance and start torching those calories. However, if all you’re doing is charging ahead without run/walk intervals, you could be missing… Continue reading Why Run/Walk Intervals are Better (and More Effective) than Running
Ease Into the New Year: Meeting your Fitness Goals while Putting Your Mental Health First
2020 was a challenging year to say the least. Some used the isolation as an opportunity to focus on their fitness, but many of us (let’s be honest: most of us) ended up putting on the “Covid 19 (pounds).” It’s easy to get discouraged when something like that happens. You’ve been taken out of your routine, your… Continue reading Ease Into the New Year: Meeting your Fitness Goals while Putting Your Mental Health First
Fall/Winter Running Training Tips and Tricks
About the Author Adriana started running competitively in 6th grade and competed at a Varsity level all throughout high school. Her junior year of college at Duke University, she decided to run her first marathon after spontaneously joining a friend for her 16 mile long run. She finished the Disney Marathon in January 2011 in… Continue reading Fall/Winter Running Training Tips and Tricks
Tips for First Time Runners
Trying something new can often be a daunting experience, and running can be one of the most difficult physical activities to start. Whether you’re already in Olympic shape, or haven’t exercised as much as you’ve been meaning to, we’ve all tried going for it without preparing and ended up half a block away from our… Continue reading Tips for First Time Runners
How to Run Your First Marathon
Running a marathon for the first time is not easy, but with the right guidance, you’ll be in the best position possible to achieve this awesome goal. This post will help you prepare for your first marathon, and future marathons if you fall in love with it like I have. Let’s make that leap into… Continue reading How to Run Your First Marathon
Top 10 Rules of the Road
Looking for a few ways to make the most out of your running experience? Follow my Top 10 Rules of the Road for a more enjoyable, less stressful run. 1. Be ThankfulIf you are fortunate enough to be able to run at your own discretion, be grateful for that gift. Some people do not have… Continue reading Top 10 Rules of the Road
Core Strengthening For Runners – How It Really Works
Many people are under the assumption that core strengthening only consists of sit-ups, crunches, six-packs, and infomercials. There is certainly nothing wrong with this “aesthetic” approach to core training, but, for runners core training goes beyond just washboard abs. A stronger, more stable core can improve your performance and lower the risk of injury. What… Continue reading Core Strengthening For Runners – How It Really Works
Cold as Ice…and Still Running
is a Christmas song written in 1944 by Frank Loesser. It’s a conversation between a woman who has to go and a man who keeps telling her “But baby, it’s cold outside.” “I really can’t stay(But baby, it’s cold outside)I’ve got to go away(But baby, it’s cold outside)” Avoid the Common ExcusesIt’ll soon be cold… Continue reading Cold as Ice…and Still Running
Creating Running Music Mixes – The Agony and the Ecstasy
Any musician will tell you that whenever they create a piece of music, they pour their hearts and souls in their creation. Truly great music only comes about through the fusing of a musicians’ beliefs, emotions, influences and, of course, talents. While at Rock My Run we’re not creating the next Beethoven’s 5th Symphony (though… Continue reading Creating Running Music Mixes – The Agony and the Ecstasy