How to Get Faster With RockMyRun

Do you ever feel stuck in a workout rut?

A friend of mine used to tell me my running was like “dog food,” because I ran the same path at the same pace at the same time every day. I always looked forward to the run, but there was never any variation – it was like dog food.

Now, there’s a lot to be said for consistency, but I have to admit that my friend (ok, now he’s my husband) had a great point. I would go on and on about how I wanted to run faster, but I wasn’t actually challenging myself ever to do it. I was content to coast.

The thing is, speed workouts aren’t for me. This sounds a little lazy, but I don’t find them to be fun, and when it’s not fun, it’s not happening before dawn breaks.

Flash forward about 10 years later to a time after our fearless founder, Adam, had created RockMyRun and pretty much banned dog food runs forever.

Here’s how I used RockMyRun to life hack a faster running time (and you can too!)

  • I realized that I tend to run at about a 160 cadence when I’m comfortably chugging along
  • I was about to do a post-work 5K and wanted to speed through it to meet some friends at the finish for a frosty beverage
  • It was a Hip Hop kind of evening, so I had already Favorited G Mode by DJ Dennis J. 
  • That’s when it hit me! Instead of having the music match my cadence as I ran, why not set it higher than my normal cadence and play a game of chase?
  • For a person that’s not into speed workouts, this was a freaking rad way to make it happen
  • And by it, I mean a big time PR. I smashed that 5K in 24 minutes flat

Those steps again

  1. Pick a station you love that is close (within 20 bpm of) your natural cadence
  2. Make sure you save it to your Favorites for easy access
  3. Before you start running, use MANUAL to set the BPM 5-10 points higher than your cadence

Dog food be gone!

Rock On!

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