Have a need for speed? Test out this ‘Treadmill Buildups’ workout for a rockin’ winter workout that pushes the pace and gets you moving! Checkout the workout – and some suggested RockMyRun mix pairings – below to get started! Beginner workout mix suggestion: Sweet Summer Sweat Intermediate workout mix suggestion: Rock It Science Advanced workout mix suggestion: Feel… Continue reading Wednesday Workout: Treadmill Buildups
Train Less. Perform Better.
A lot of the more traditional approaches to cardio look at longer distances and higher volume as the best ways to get and stay in shape. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that method, I tend to take the “less is more” philosophy into my cardio training. This doesn’t mean I don’t lace up… Continue reading Train Less. Perform Better.
Wednesday Workout: Hill Climber Intervals
Looking for a killer treadmill workout? Test out this ‘Hill Climber Intervals’ workout and get ready to sweat! Involving the best of both worlds – intervals and inclines – this workout pairs nicely with some of our RockMyRun mixes! Beginner workout mix suggestion: Running On Sunshine Intermediate workout mix suggestion: Swift & Sweet Advanced workout mix suggestion: Adventure… Continue reading Wednesday Workout: Hill Climber Intervals
Why We Run: The Physical and Psychological Benefits
If you are among the 29,478,000 Americans who run or jog 50 or more days a year then you know why you run. Running offers phenomenal psychological and physical benefits and you’ve probably even experienced a “runner’s high.” You must be spreading the word too, since running shoe sales grew to a whopping $3.04 billion… Continue reading Why We Run: The Physical and Psychological Benefits
Your Go-To Treadmill Workout This Fall: Incline Sprints
It’s that time of year again – the leaves start to change and the temperature starts to drop. While fall is beautiful, it means that soon cold weather will force us to kickoff treadmill season. For some, this is a welcomed change. For others, however, the ‘dreadmill’ is a last resort. Treadmills do however present… Continue reading Your Go-To Treadmill Workout This Fall: Incline Sprints
Think You Don’t Have Time to Exercise? Think Again.
When it comes to finding time to exercise, let’s start with some facts. Each of us has 168 hours per week in life. Many of us work about 50 or so hours per week, sleep about 50-60 hours per week, spend another 15-20 hours each week on personal care and grooming, leaving most of us… Continue reading Think You Don’t Have Time to Exercise? Think Again.
Cold as Ice…and Still Running
is a Christmas song written in 1944 by Frank Loesser. It’s a conversation between a woman who has to go and a man who keeps telling her “But baby, it’s cold outside.” “I really can’t stay(But baby, it’s cold outside)I’ve got to go away(But baby, it’s cold outside)” Avoid the Common ExcusesIt’ll soon be cold… Continue reading Cold as Ice…and Still Running
Music…The Legal Performance Enhancing Drug
Did you know that the leading expert about the psychology of exercise and music, Dr. Costas Karageorghis, calls music the “legal performance enhancing drug” of fitness and exercise? There have been a large number of studies about the effects of music on athletic performance since 1911 and these are the key findings: Music promotes emotional… Continue reading Music…The Legal Performance Enhancing Drug
Creating Running Music Mixes – The Agony and the Ecstasy
Any musician will tell you that whenever they create a piece of music, they pour their hearts and souls in their creation. Truly great music only comes about through the fusing of a musicians’ beliefs, emotions, influences and, of course, talents. While at Rock My Run we’re not creating the next Beethoven’s 5th Symphony (though… Continue reading Creating Running Music Mixes – The Agony and the Ecstasy
Ask The Fitness Psych: Morning vs. Night Runs and Pre-Race Mental Tips
In the first installment of the RockMyRun ‘Ask The Fitness Psych’ blog series, fitness, sports and health behavior science coach Dr. Michael Mantell answers questions from RunRockers! Is it better to run in the morning or at night? – RunRocker Bree Here’s the simple answer: whenever you can enjoy it the most. That said, there… Continue reading Ask The Fitness Psych: Morning vs. Night Runs and Pre-Race Mental Tips