I’m fed up with people that hate on those of us who enjoy running with music. So, I created a manifesto for the music listening runner. A set of beliefs that those of us who enjoy our music while running share and governs our behavior. Just so you know where I’m coming from, my discovery… Continue reading 10 Beliefs About Running with Music – A Manifesto
Fab Five Running Commandments
Running season is here and I’ve got some more running knowledge to drop on you all! Believe it or not, there are running etiquette rules, and if you’re like me, unfortunately you’ve been on the receiving end of all of these scenarios. So, to make the world a better place, take note and try your… Continue reading Fab Five Running Commandments
Ready, Set, THINK!
Does this sound familiar? You are about to start a marathon, Ironman race, tennis match or basketball league game, and all you keep thinking about is that you “must be the best.” By the time you get to the start of your competition you are so filled with anxiety and pressure, that you feel frozen… Continue reading Ready, Set, THINK!
Pushing Past Your Limits
At Rock My Run we are all about motivation. Although we provide some awesome DJ mixes for running, we do so in order to help you stay motivated and help you attain your goals. So, when we find something besides DJ mixes that is inspiring, we like to share it in the hopes that it… Continue reading Pushing Past Your Limits
Weight Training for Runners
From the 6-minute miler to the recreational runner who is doing good to break a 10-minute pace, one thing that seems to be neglected by many runners is weight training. Some runners can’t, or simply don’t want to, make time for it. Others believe that resistance training will cause them to bulk and thus slow… Continue reading Weight Training for Runners
Rocking Your First 5K
You see your friends’ photos on the Internet with them proudly displaying medals around their necks from whatever race they just ran. Their ecstatic glow and flushed complexion are things that you find yourself wanting, but you think to yourself, “I wish I could do that.” Why can’t you? Everyone starts somewhere, and rocking a… Continue reading Rocking Your First 5K
Quality Over Quantity
For a lot of distance runners, the main focus of a training program is overall distance. They focus only on how many miles they log each week. There is nothing wrong with setting a mileage goal, however this shouldn’t be the only concern. Runners should focus as much on the quality of their running, as… Continue reading Quality Over Quantity
Fantastic insights from Run Rocker Misty Phillips
Here at RockMyRun, we’ve initiated a series of blog posts featuring our awesome Run Rocker family. Each post will be rapid-fire questions that not only showcases the RockMyRun spirit but also presents unique perspectives on the sport of running, how music plays a role, and hopefully offers some tips on challenges you may experience in… Continue reading Fantastic insights from Run Rocker Misty Phillips
Fit vs Skinny: Why You Should Run to Be FIT
The time is again upon us when we set off on our year-long journey to improve something about ourselves. Our goals and resolutions have been set, and we are off with the “New Year, New Me” attitude. I personally think this mindset can be beneficial for many people, given that they continue to work toward… Continue reading Fit vs Skinny: Why You Should Run to Be FIT
Are You What You Listen To?
When it comes to psychology, there’s no shortage of ways to describe and understand personality. Open to experience, extroverted, agreeable, conscientious, emotionally stable, quiet and serious, enthusiastic, original, direct, cautious, inspirational, steady…you get the idea. And it seems that knowing something about the type of music one prefers may be an effective window into understanding some… Continue reading Are You What You Listen To?