Get Fit With Tabata Sprints

Looking for a new treadmill routine? Test out “Tabata Sprints” for a fierce workout that will have you sweating buckets and burning calories! Checkout the workout – and some suggested RockMyRun mix pairings – below to get started! To get through this workout you’ll need some crazy beats, so check out the RockMyRun mixes Country Crazy and Super Twerk.… Continue reading Get Fit With Tabata Sprints

Categorized as Workouts

How RunRocker Shantal Rocked Her Competition

We recently caught up with personal trainer and RunRocker Shantal, to chat about staying fit and how music helped her reach her goals. A personal trainer, nutritionist and group fitness instructor, Shantal also competes in bodybuilding competitions—recently placing second at the prestigious International Drug Free Athletics (IDFA) Pro Universe event. Keep on reading for a… Continue reading How RunRocker Shantal Rocked Her Competition

26(.2) Questions with a RunRocker – Tim Weyel

Here at RockMyRun we’re kicking off a series of blog posts featuring our awesome Run Rocker family.  Each post will be 26(.2) rapid-fire questions that not only showcases the RockMyRun spirit but also presents unique perspectives on the sport of running, how music plays a role and hopefully offers some tips on challenges you may… Continue reading 26(.2) Questions with a RunRocker – Tim Weyel

Ready to be Happy?

You spend your time exercising, eating well, reading everything you can about health and wellness, meditate, visualize, swallow magnets to attract positivity in your life, listen to the right music. If that’s not someone focused on maximizing happiness in life, I don’t know who would be. That said, even with all of these “right” things… Continue reading Ready to be Happy?

Categorized as Science

Wednesday Workout: Long Intervals

If you’re training for a half or full marathon, you may think you can ditch those pesky interval workouts—but intervals are actually just as important as your weekend long runs! Keep on reading for an interval workout that will help you practice running at your approximate race pace for an extended period of time and that can… Continue reading Wednesday Workout: Long Intervals

Categorized as Workouts

Running Is A Team Sport

Why did I wait until I was in my 40’s to begin running? I ask myself this question all the time, and I know the answer. I was not disciplined and did not want to challenge or push myself. Growing up, I was not a very physically active kid, I didn’t play sports and never acquired the drive… Continue reading Running Is A Team Sport

What’s In a Runner? 6 Traits of Successful Runners

Many times I’m asked questions like “What makes somebody a good runner?” or “What can I do to become a good runner?” To be honest, it’s not really a simple, uniform answer. People are too different in their interests and abilities to have one answer to these questions. But, there are some things that many,… Continue reading What’s In a Runner? 6 Traits of Successful Runners

Categorized as Inspiration